277 Purchase Street
Middleboro, MA 02346
(774) 257-7415

Therapy Dogs
Professional Canine Services offers a complete comfort/therapy dog training program. These dogs are utilized to provide affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, schools, hospice and critical incident/disaster areas, just to name a few.
Our program is a five day, eight hours/day training course for handler and canine which will consist of; obedience, socialization, environmental training, auditory training, proprioceptive (motion) and unexpected stimulus training. A harness, collar and leash will be provided as well as a log book.
Prerequisite to attend this forty hour certification course;
*Dogs must be 6 months or older.
*No signs of aggression towards people, dogs or any other animals.
*Must be fully vaccinated.
*Must have reliable transportation to travel to and from training locations.
*Must be able to attend an 8 hour training session once per month with a trainer from Professional Canine Service.
*Must be able to keep accurate log book issued by Professional Canine Services. This book will be signed off on once a month by one of our trainers.
At the conclusion of this program, dogs will exhibit the following attributes;
*Confidence- Dogs must show confidence in all aspects of everyday life. They must not demonstrate any signs of aggression, skittishness or any other behavior seen negative to the general public.
*Socialized- Dogs must be socialized with children, dogs, elderly and the handicap.
*Obedient- Dogs must be proficient in the sit, down, stay, recall and the heeling command.
*Environmentally Sound- Auditory Training, Proprioceptive (Motion) and Unexpected Stimulus Training - Dogs will be introduced to loud noises, other animals and other objects and situations in the environment that could make a dog startled.
All dogs must pass the American Kennel Club C.G.C. (Canine Good Citizen) and the A.K.C Temperament Test test which will be conducted at our facility.
Once you have completed this course you will receive a certification from Professional
Canine Services and a patch to attach to your dogs vest stating his/her certification.
You will also receive a card to keep on your person at all times when utilizing the dog
that states the certification.
Give us a call for additional information.